So last night was the eleventh class of my Commercial Floristry Course at Perrotts School of Floristry . This was definetely my favourite of all the classes so far. The flowers didn't look much in the buckets until we started working with them.
Here is my arrangement....
Nice huh? I am heading out to buy some of those cute cubed vases and more flowers to make more! I loved doing this arrangement!
Oh and we met someone special yesterday, very exciting! Stay posted.......
I am mum to two gorgeous boys Nate & Hamish and wife to the just as gorgeous and very patient Mitch! We live in Brisbane, Queensland. I spend my days running around after my boys and playing with all things paper. I love ALL things craft and spend too much time scouring Etsy, Made It and too many blogs to list, all in the name of research - of course!!
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