I was going to let today go by without a big fuss but after receiving such an amazing gift this morning, I can't help myself.....
So today I turn 30 and here is what Husband and Nate surprised me with....
You think the bag is impressive, wait til you see what is inside!
Ta da!!!
A stunning Paspaley Pearl ring! The reason why I have been banned from doing any internet banking for about the last month! I have had my eye on one of these babies since we lived in Darwin which is the birthplace of the Paspaley Pearl! So this is also my 100th blog post which I was going to combine with a Giveaway. Never fear the Giveaway will now be my 101st blog post which will happen either tonight or tomorrow, stay tuned......
Giveaway the ring, giveaway the ring!
OMG - I was just browsing your lovely blog and I must have been, i don't know, somewhere else when you made this post - Happy 30th birthday and what a wonderful wonderful gift!
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