Hi, my name is Tamara and I am a GLEEK! and to say that I wasn't peeing my pants with excitement that it is coming back to my TV screen tonight would be a fib!
Oh tamara! You and I - two peas in a pod!! I LOVE Glee - it's just about the only tv show i watch (ok, i started watching Offspring and i think thats a bit ok too) - so excited too, no confessions needed xx
I am mum to two gorgeous boys Nate & Hamish and wife to the just as gorgeous and very patient Mitch! We live in Brisbane, Queensland. I spend my days running around after my boys and playing with all things paper. I love ALL things craft and spend too much time scouring Etsy, Made It and too many blogs to list, all in the name of research - of course!!
Oh tamara! You and I - two peas in a pod!! I LOVE Glee - it's just about the only tv show i watch (ok, i started watching Offspring and i think thats a bit ok too) - so excited too, no confessions needed xx
Oh my gosh! Me too! Did you like it!? I did :) So much fun!
Shhhhh... me too. I have the, gulp, album... x
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