So I haven't been all that creative this week unless you class sorting what feels like ten tonne of washing into colour co-ordinated piles ready for the washing machine.....
I do however intend to start on this little packet mix dinosaur softie that I bought from Spotlight a while back.
I will be sure to share once I am done!
See what all the other creative types have been up to over at Kootoyoo.
OF COURSE I count the wash sort as part of my weekly creativity. I also count adding avocado to a green salad, getting the bus to work rather than the train and letting the kids eat baked beans for dinner when they've turned their noses up at my beef stroganoff. It all counts. It has to! x
oh yes, sometime there isn't enough hours in the day to fit in some craft - i do like the look of that softie though!
ps - sorting washing and other household chores are most certainly creative!!
Oh can't wait to see!
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