Almost two years ago to the day I was shopping with Uber Claire whilst visiting Brisbane (we were living in Darwin at the time) and she bought me this book in anticipation of Baby Ryder's (as Nate was affectionately known for 9 months) arrival....
As you can see the book is in perfect condition. I can hear you all saying what a great job she has done keeping the book looking so nice, but here is the thing, I haven't done a thing with it. Not one entry, not one photo - NOTHING......
I figure seeing as though Baby Ryder #2 is on the way I should pull my finger out and get it done. I have everything I need to complete it - dates of first steps, words etc, photos, hospital id bracelets, the newspaper from the day he was born, a copy of his birth announcement, hair from his first haircut - EVERYTHING I need to complete this book is here safely tucked away in this box.
This is not the only project that I have to get finished, there is the album I am putting together with all the cards we received when the little fella was born, the time capsule I want to put together, the 1st Birthday Album......sigh!
All I am in need of is some time!
Please tell me that I am not the only one who took almost 18 months to complete these important piece of my Baby Boy's history........ANYONE???
Ha! Baby = 14 months, scrapbook pages complete = 3. He's the second born, for the first born I almost kept up for the 1 year birthday... I didn't have a sewing machine then however :)
I'm right with you! Thought I'd have it all done a dusted many months ago but now 17 months later....I'd better get cracking. Hope you have a super weekend :)
Our "baby" book extends to 5 years old - so I've used that as an excuse to leave practically everything waiting in a box until later (our girl's nearly three) - am starting to think it could be good to just leave it that way till she's old enough to do it herself :)
I am right there with you on the I will get to it one day haha!
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