I must say that I was definitely the Fridge Police and didn't like anything on the fridge making it look messy so to speak. That was until it was what I stared at when stuck for words whilst blogging etc. So I guess maybe you could class my fridge as my pseudo inspiration board for want of a better term....
So here you go, this is what I am currently looking at on my fridge...
So lots of pretty things hey?!? Here's a closer look....
Of course they can't just be any old magnet that holds my pretty things. They need to be pretty magnets. My little white birds are from Kikki-K, the round 'hey' magnet is from Paper Tree Studio and the cute little owl and bee are from Isabell's Umbrella.
My magnets hold an assortment of pretties. An assortment of mini prints by the gorgeous Kellie from 74 Lime Lane, snail mail from a bloggy friend, an ultrasound photo of Baby H - even though he is here now, I still like having him on the fridge, there is also a copy of his birth announcement in the mix too.
So there you have it, that's what is on my fridge. What does your fridge look like? Is it clean and clutter free? Is it full of pretty things? Or is it covered with bills?
Clutter! But lovely clutter! Mr 5 has decided to churn out 600 drawings a day right now, and all must be placed on the fridge for Daddy to see when he gets home!!!! Although, Mr 1 thinks it is funny to pull them off!
I have a fantastic family whiteboard planner on my fridge from "sydneys child" magazine .. also, fisher price magnets (don't know why they are still there since my youngest is 4) and also school things and whatever other junk the girls or hubby pops on .. he he
your fridge is pretty clean Tamara! we only use the side of the fridge for magnets as I don't like things on the door. but alot of the things on there are kids drawings, bills, fuel vouchers (boring i know) and odd postcards.
i love that pic by Kellie on yours.
I still owe you a card..I'll surprise you one day soon I promise ♥
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